White Lake VFW Post 3256 3rd Annual Community Pinewood Derby
February 17, 2024, 9:30 am - 5:00 pm
Come join the fun!
Cars available at the White Lake VFW for $16 starting November 10th. The rules are included with kit and includes your registration. You may register your old car for $8.00. Rules for weight and size will be enforced. MUST sign up BEFORE February 1st to participate! Ribbons for decor and plaques for 1st thru 3rd.
*Kids Races: Weigh ins start at 9:00 AM
-Races start at 10:00 AM
* Adult Races: Weigh Ins start at 12:30 PM.
– Races start at 1:00 PM.
Grand Masters Race immediately following.
We we also have food available Burgers and hotogs ).
For more details go to White Lake Vfw Post 3256 on Facebook and search events.