The White Lake Area is an amazing place to live, grow, work, and play. Highlighting our residents’ pride for the community and the many wonderful things we love about our home, the Live White Lake campaign launched in 2016.
The campaign aims to cultivate community spirit and engage area residents in sharing in the common pride and affection we have for our towns. Whether you were born and grew up here or just recently relocated to the area, we want our community to share in the appreciation by creating their own “IT”.
We already know what an extraordinary place the White Lake Area is, but we want to know why YOU think so too! What makes the White Lake Area special to you? Is it the friendly smiles you see on the street? Is it the glow of a setting sun over Lake Michigan? Is it the roll of a pumpkin down Dowling Street during Pumpkinfest? Whatever your “IT” is, head to our campaign website and fill in your “IT”. All it takes is just one word! Live IT! Pick IT! Roll IT!