A real life “Guardian of the Galaxy,” Dr. Moogega “Moo” Cooper holds the awesome responsibility of keeping the red planet safe from any of the Earth’s contaminants. Moo is the planetary protection lead of the famed NASA 2020 Mars mission—with it’s highly viewed landing on February 18, 2021. Her work with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory is integral to the ongoing mission to discern whether Mars could be habitable for humans and that we don’t harm what’s already there—a job she has been working up to for most of her life.
The 2023 January Series is every weekday, January 9th through the 27th from 12:30-1:30 p.m. EST. The White Lake Community Library will be streaming the lectures live each day at 12:30 in the meeting room, or you can tune in online with on-demand viewing until midnight each day. View the full lineup of speakers and instructions for on-demand viewing at calvin.edu/january.