The Kayak Adventure Series, presented by GoPro, is hitting the road this summer, and stop number two is right here in Whitehall, Michigan! This unique, televised event is all about helping anglers of all skill levels explore new waters and make lifelong memories.
The entire community is invited to the Saturday festival at Covell Park. There will be food, merchandise tents, kayak demos, and bounce house.
Visit the official website for more information: Kayak Adventure Series in Whitehall.
Download your copy of the White Lake Area Visitors Guide for trip ideas and more!
Get The GuideThe White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce is located on White Lake near Lake Michigan on the shores of Western Michigan in Muskegon County. The Chamber provides information on Montague and Whitehall Michigan shopping, marinas, boating, golf, beaches, lodging, resorts, cottage rentals, dining, and Western Michigan businesses.
White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce | 124 Hanson Street | Whitehall, MI 49461, US | 231-893-4585 |
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