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Welcome to the White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau.


The historic 90702 caboose turns 100 years old in 2024, and we are celebrating with a Caboosentennial the entire month of October!

You can stop by the caboose 24/7, however, the caboose museum and Chamber office will be open Monday-Friday, 9am-3pm. (124 W Hanson St., Whitehall, MI 49461)

During the month of October, stop by during office hours (listed above) for a free Caboosentennial sticker, view pictures of the caboose, learn more about it’s history in the White Lake Area, and to purchase some Caboosentennial swag.

Photo Contest
During the month of October, take a picture with you and any of the Caboosentennial purchased swag (koozie, coaster, hat, shirt, tumbler) and be entered to win $100 White Lake Area Gift Certificates, which can be used at over 90 local businesses. Email photos to

Caboosentennial Swag
We will have coasters ($8) and koozies ($10) available to purchase in the office, and additional items can be purchased from local White Lake Area Chamber member, Stolan Acres, at their special Caboosentennial store. Click here to view store.