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Welcome to the White Lake Area Chamber of Commerce & Visitors Bureau.

White Lake United Methodist Church

White Lake United Methodist Church is one church with two campuses–serving the Montague & Whitehall area.

Montague Campus & Church Office
Sundays at 9am
8555 Cook St.
Montague, MI 49437

The Praise Center
Sundays at 11am
117 S. Division St.
Whitehall, MI 49461

White Lake United Methodist Church is committed to making friends and making a difference.

Our vision statement: “Worship God, Follow Jesus, Love and Serve All.”

Core Values: Faith, Discipleship, Grace
• Faith–Our belief that all things are possible with God
• Discipleship–Our Christian journey as we live as Christ lived and serve as Christ served
• Grace–We accept God’s grace, freely given, and strive to offer that same acceptance and forgiveness to others